Frequently Asked Questions

If I sign a contract with Daelco, is there anything I need to provide?

The only thing we need the building to provide is contact information on who we need to contact in an emergency.

Does the contract with Daelco have a term?

No. Our contract is a month to month contract. You can cancel at anytime with just a 30 day notice. At Daelco, we believe that we don’t need to lock you into a contract to keep you as a customer. We just need to do our job, making sure you as our customer can forget your elevator phones.

Do I need to provide a phone line?

No. Daelco will provide a phone line to each elevator.

Are there any set up fees?


What if the elevator phone stops working?

Daelco will replace it. When you sign a contract with us, we begin to cover all equipment related to the elevator phone.

How do you check your phones multiple times a day?

We call into the phones remotely. If we detect a phone or phone line that has stopped working, we will notify the contact you have provided and immediately issue a work ticket with our technicians to get it fixed or replaced.

I am currently having problems with my elevator phone through another provider. The elevator service provider is claiming that it is the phone company’s problem and the phone company is say it is the elevator service provider’s problem. Will I have problems like that with your company?

No. We provide everything to the elevator phone including the phone line. We do this to make it simple and to make sure that the phone line isn’t disconnected or not hooked up wrong. So if your elevator phone stops working we will fix it or replace whatever is needed to get it working again.

Are you code compliant?

We offer everything necessary to meet elevator codes across the United States. Please contact an account representative to be able to address your property locations on an individual basis.

Why do you hook up each elevator with its own phone line?

We give each elevator its own phone line for a couple of reasons. One, it allows our operators to call back into an individual elevator to talk to a trapped passenger to help keep them calm and to monitor the situation if the passenger begins having a medical problem. Two, to allow people that are assigned like security, building engineer, or elevator technician to call in easily. If you have more than one elevator phone on a phone line then more than one may try to answer or the wrong elevator phone may answer, keeping you from talking to the trapped passengers. Three, due to the possibility of someone being trapped for an extended period of time that may injure a passenger, most states have made it illegal to operate an elevator without a working phone. By using a separate phone line for each elevator, it keeps a malfunction limited to one elevator instead of all the elevators in your building. Four, it adds an additional back up to our main system and back up so that we can always identify the elevator that is calling in.

How does your system identify the elevator calling guaranteed?

Most elevator phones have two chips in them. One is a voice chip and one is an unit ID chip. We do not depend on either of them to identify the elevator. In the past our founder noticed that they could stop working without any warning. When they did and people had to ask with city or state they were trapped in, the passengers then became panicked. We have designed our system to utilize another method that is more reliable than the older methods and we have two back up methods built into the system so that we can offer our customers the guarantee that we can ALWAYS identify the elevator that is calling in.

I have a phone button but can not see the phone itself. I like the way it looks right now. Would you have to cut into the panel inside the elevator to install your phones?

No. Our system is designed to work with almost any elevator emergency phone out there. So we can keep your elevator looking the way it is and still provide you with great service.

If we used the phone that is currently in the elevator, would you still cover it under your contract?

Yes. We work with multiple manufacturers of elevator phone. If your phone stopped working we can replace it with the same model so you can keep the look of the inside of your elevator.

We have another company monitoring our phones currently. If we use Daelco, would we need to buy phones when they take theirs out?

No. We will provide everything that is needed including the phones right from the start.

Ready to get started or have more questions?